
According to Simon Sinek,

"A team is not a group of people
that work together
A team is a group of people
that trust each other"

On 13-06-24 it's joy of celebration to the SMCS family for the colorful event to Inaugurate the variety of Clubs. Event began with a prayer song lead by the students. Thereafter Rishabh of class 9th welcomed the guests for today's programme. It’s a joy of having Fr Joachim Fernandes our correspondent, Fr Lancy Saldanha Principal and Suresh Suvarna PTA President for the same. There are 4 clubs namely;

1. Literary club
2. Eco club
3. Science club
4. Singing club

Solemnly inaugurated the clubs by our correspondent Fr Joachim Fernandes . After the inauguration Fr Joachim Fernandes delivered his message to the gathering . In His speech he said "Have dreams and reach your Goal". He appreciated the clubs Representatives for their meaningful explanation of each clubs. Students impressed the assembly by their simple method of explanation .Fr Joachim Fernandes was happy for the creativity that was done during the inauguration . Lastly the programme went on well. Dhriti from 8th did the master of ceremony and Master Neston proposed the vote of Thanks.


Its a blessing from God that event went on well and systematically procedures were done . "A million thanks to everyone".

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