1. No Pupil is allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without the written permission of the Principal.
  2. Punctual and regular attendance is insisted upon. No leave of absence is granted expect on prior written application from parents/guardian in the form provided in the Diary.
  3. In order to be punctual, those who depend on both public and private conveyance to come to the school must leave home early to avoid rush during the peak hours.
  4. When the pupil is absent without leave for some unforeseen reason eg: illness, she/he must, on returning to school, bring a note of reason from her/his parents/guardian in the form provided in the diary.
  5. Leave of absence from the school should be obtained from the Principal/Class teacher in advance. Unforeseen absence must be justified on return before entering the class.
  6. On the teacher's arrival in the classroom the pupils must rise and remain standing till they have prayed/greeted the teacher and then take their seats.
  7. The students are not allowed to loiter/congregate in the corridors or on the campus during the working hours. They should move from one classroom to another in a disciplined manner without causing disturbance to other classes.
  8. No pupils should absent herself/himself from appearing to the class test/examination expect for reasons approved by the Principal.
  9. No pupil or staff members will be called on the phone during school hours. However in case of emergency, message received on the phone will be conveyed to them.
  10. All students are requested to come to the classes, neatly dressed in well laundered uniform on all days of the week. There should not be any untidy turn outs. Untidy turn out includes: Not ironed/torn uniform, different shoes and socks other than prescribed by the school. Long hair|(Boys), long but not plaited hair(Girls), unclipped finger nails, using mehandi or nail polish, fancy ear rings, hair bands, pen/pencil pouches, anklets, chain, digital watches, etc.
  11. Girls with shoulder length hair must compulsorily tie their hair into two ponytails and long hair should be formed into two plaits.
  12. Fancy clips or colored ribbons are not allowed except black ribbons or black clips for the regular scholl uniform and house uniform.
  13. Boys are expected to have regular hair-cut which has to be simple and short.
  14. Books, Umbrellas, Tiffin-boxes etc should have a name or mark by which owner can easily identify them. All stray and unclaimed property should be brought to the office.
  15. Child must be picked from school by a family member only. If a non-family member has to take charge of the child, then a formal letter addressed to the Principal, must be sent with furnishing details.
  16. Damaging school property both movable and immovable, fighting in class room, use of abusive language, misbehavior, discourteous manners are dealt severely by the disciplinary committee headed by the Principal. After initial warning and fine, stringent action will be taken.
  17. Books, magazines, news papers or publications of any type not approved by the Principal should not be brought to the school.
  18. Involvement in any sort of malpractice during tests and examinations will be dealt seriously.
  19. The school, though not responsible for the conduct of pupils outside its premises, will take cognizance of any serious misconduct committed outside the school.
  20. Pupils must be encouraged to dress modestly and decently by the parents conforming to acceptable social norms.
  21. If leave of absence is unavoidable, details of dates should be intimated in a leave letter in advance and a record must be maintained on the relevant page in the school diary.
  22. The school diary has to be brought everyday without fail. A fine will have to be paid, if failed to do so. If the diary is lost, a duplicate diary has to be brought paying Rs. 100/- and get it signed by the Principal. If the original diary is found later, that must be submitted to the Principal. School Diary, with any written remarks, needs to be signed by the parent.
  23. Late comers’ Record/Cleanliness Record /Home work not done /misbehavior Record will be maintained in the diary.
  24. Appreciation for any good deed done will also be recorded and recognized during general assembly days.
  25. In any extreme case the final decision will be taken by the manager in consultation with the Principal, even to the extent of suspension.
  26. Children must be in their respective rooms at least ten minutes before the time fixed for the assembly to commence.
  27. All pupils are expected to be present for the assembly during which they pray together.
  28. No child is permitted to leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal which will be granted only at the specific written requests of the parents.
  29. Running, playing, shouting, and whistling inside the school premises is forbidden.
  30. All should be particularly careful not to throw any paper, peels etc... Anywhere in the school premises, they should use dustbins especially provided for the purpose.
  31. The school cannot hold itself responsible for books, money, clothes, and other articles if lost. Children must look after their own things. It is not advisable for children to have money or valuable articles with them.
  32. All letters and correspondence addressed to pupils are subjected to the scrutiny of the principal.
  33. Parents and guardians are not permitted to walk into the classrooms or interact with teachers during class hours.
  34. Parents may visit the Principal any time between 8.45 am to 1.00 pm except on Saturdays and public holidays.
  35. Parents are encouraged to meet the teachers on Tuesdays and Thursdays after 3.30 pm.
  36. The name, class, and section of the pupil should be clearly mentioned on all his / her belongings.
  37. The Pupil should behave in a refined manner wherever they go. They should always greet their teachers, elders, friends in a pleasant and audible tone of voice when they meet them in school or outside.
  38. Pupils are not allowed to receive visitors or make phone calls during class hours unless the matter is very urgent.
  39. While going to the labs, library, playground and so on all should move in an orderly manner under the supervision of their teachers.
  40. No pupil suffering from any contagious or infectious disease shall be permitted to attend the school unless certified by a qualified doctor.
  41. Gifts to the members of the staff or other demonstrations in their honour, require the previous sanction of the Principal. Gifts from parents to teachers or demonstrations in their honour are not allowed.
  42. All pupils are expected to speak in the medium of instruction, i.e. English in the school campus.
  43. Every pupil must endeavour to keep up high morale of the institution by excelling in good manner and courtesy and by fostering good family spirit among the fellow pupils.
  44. Buying sweets, ice-cream, snacks, etc. from the hawkers on the street outside the school premises is discouraged.
  45. Pupils are strictly forbidden to bring mobile phones or any other electronic gadgets to school.
  46. Collection of money and selling articles of any description among the pupils inside school campus needs Principal's written permission.
  47. Scribbling on walls, desks, and boards is strictly forbidden as it is a bad habit and is highly detrimental to the good reputation of the school. Cleanliness should be maintained in and around the class rooms. Pupils are to use dustbins for the purpose.


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Kinnigoli - 574150, Mangaluru Taluk, D.K.

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