Republic Day is a pivotal national holiday in India, Commemorating the adoption of the Constitution of India on January 26,1950. This historic document replaced the government of India Act 1935, transforming India from a British dominion to a republic.

Keeping the importance of republic Day St Mary's Central School, Kinnigoli celebrated and hoisted the flag. The dignitaries of days program were present. Fr Lancy Joel Saldanha Principal and Mr Stany Pinto Vice President of PTA. Small cultural program was held by the students and then Fr Lancy Joel Saldanha in his speech he said "Republic Day symbolises India's transition to a democratic nation, highlighting values such as justice, equality and fraternity. The day is marked by grand celebrations, including parades and cultural events, showcasing the country's unity in diversity and paying tribute to those who fought for Independence. "

Thus, the ceremony was concluded by singing the National Anthem.




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