Jawarharlal Nehru said" At the stroke of the midnight hour when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom ".On 15th of August 78th Independence Day celebrated in St Mary's Central School Kinnigoli. It was joy to tribute to the freedom fighters who toiled hard to get freedom to India.

To celebrate this event the following guests were invited Rev Fr Joachim Fernandes correspondent of St Mary's Central School, Mrs Sharmila Patrao an employee of Canara Bank Kinnigoli as Chief Guests, Guest of honor Mr Raghunath Kamath President of Yaksha Lahari, Fr Steevan Cutinho Assistant Parish Priest of Kinnigoli, Mr William Dsouza Vice President of Parish Council Kinnigoli, Mr Stany Pinto Vice President of PTA, Mrs Divya Pinto Secretary of PTA, Mr Steevan Dcunha Treasurer of PTA. Guests were warmly welcomed in the school premises with a school band. Thereafter students lead the prayer. Flag hoisting was done by the Chief guest Mrs Sharmila Patrao. She has given the apt message to the gathering saying "Celebrating our nations birthday with pride and gratitude. Honoring the past, embracing the future. May our Independence be a beacon of freedom for all. Mr Raghunath Kamath said The concept of Independence Day encompasses: freedom, sovereignty, nationhood, patriotism, liberty, democracy, unity and heritage. Rev Fr Joachim Fernandes in his speech said " We celebrate the bravery, resilience and determination our nations founders who fought for freedom and Independence. May their legacy inspire us to continue striving for a brighter future where liberty, justice and shine for all".

After the speech small cultural program was held in the school premises. Students performed various dances and yoga. It was mind blowing. Thus the program was ended by the school anthem and the sweets were distributed to the students and to the parents as well.






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