Eco club or green club is a voluntary group which promotes the participation of students in learning about and improving their environment. Eco club means by which students and youth can organize themselves to learn more and also take action to improve their immediate environment. With the same thought our school also started Eco club where children can get more awareness about their environment. Nearly 100 students enthusiastically joined the club.

The club members were divided into four different groups and given them the chance of selecting different activities related to nature. Each group were presenting their performances during the club period.

Our club members also joined in the Swach Gram Yojan which was conducted by the Kinnigoli Town Panchayat.

They were also tested by conducting quiz related to nature.

Once in a month our club members voluntarily cleaned the play ground by picking up the plastic and other waste things.

At the end of the club period each group were saying the slogans related to their group name.

Their each activity was judged they were given points. At the end of the year highly scored groups were awarded with prizes.












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