PTA meeting was held on 19-07-2024 in the church hall. Meeting began with a short prayer led by the school choir. Thereafter students performed welcome dance and welcomed the gathering. For this great occasion Prof. Ronald was invited as a guest of honor. Fr Joachim Fernandes the Correspondent, President of PTA Fr Lancy Saldanha, Vice President of PTA Mr Suresh Suvarna, Mrs Flavia Abreao the Secretary were also present for the same.

Prof Ronald Pinto given the few guidelines to the parents as follows:
*Encourage the child in his/her studies.
*Updating oneself to the current affairs.
*To reach the goal by individual effort.
*Teach moral values and to take responsibility of oneself.
Few guidelines helped the parents to focus more on studies of their own children.

Correspondent Fr Joachim Fernandes also given the apt message to the gathering saying “Education is the key therapy to regain the mind set of the people”. “Education helps the person to stand by oneself and to become the good citizen in the world”. Parents must play vital role in the life of their children. Parents are the best educators to their respective child. Principal Fr Lancy Saldanha also given the befitting message and appreciated the parents for encouraging the children in their education. He also said that Education is the stepping stone to reach success.

PTA Election 2024-2025 was held after the section. Parents representatives elected according to the class wise. The names as follows Mr Stany Pinto, Joyline Mascarenhas, Steevan D’cunha, Chaitra. Friston D’souza, Royston D,souza,Preema D’souza,Neshwiti Pinto, Ronald Periera ,Diwakar Chowta,Roshan D’souza,Nalini R Salian, Chethana Padmashali,Divya Pinto,Lavita Rodrigues,Gunashi,LavinaTauro,Supriya M Shetty, Veena Pinto, Lancy Periera,Prathvi Shetty, Vinutha Lavina Fernandes, Jyothi Pinto, Cynthia Sequiera, Tony Rego, Ambika Chowta, Quienie Saldanha, Hithakshi Harish.

Selected representatives of PTA were congratulated by the Correspondant.Over all Parents were happy and active during the meeting . After the meeting Parents were allowed to review their children’s paper in the school. Teachers were available to meet the Parents need during the day. Thus the meeting was systematically mastered by Mrs Dinate D’souza and the meeting was ended by singing the School Anthem.







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